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Atyaephyra stankoi Karaman, 1972
Family: AtyidaeGenus: Atyaephyra
Description. Rostrum long, slender, dorsal margin straight or slightly curved in the middle and pointed upwards, 6.12–8.67, mostly (83% of the examined individuals) 6.25 to 7.54, × as long as high, shorter, equal to, or longer than scaphocerite (longer in 76% of the individuals examined). From 17 to 28 (19–27 in 91% of the individuals) pre orbital teeth on dorsal margin of rostrum arranged up to tip. 0–3, predominantly (96%) 1–3, post-orbital teeth. 2–8, most often (96%) 2–6, teeth arranged on ventral margin of rostrum (Fig. 5A). Carapace smooth with pterygostomial angle not protruding, rounded (Fig. 5B). Pleuron of fifth abdominal segment usually pointed ending in an obtuse (ending in an acute angle in 11% of the individuals) posterior angle (Figs 5C–D). Telson with 3–6, most often (93%) 5–6, pairs of dorsal spines arranged in curved fashion (Fig. 5E). Distal border of telson with 6–11, mostly (87%) 8–10, spines (3–6 pairs), arranged in a fork-like pattern. Outermost pair of spines shortest, similar to dorsal spines, adjacent pair stronger terminating beyond (or along with) the inner finely setulose pairs (Figs 5E–F). Basal segment of antennular peduncle with long stylocerite, with its tip failing to reach, reaching or overreaching the distal end of basal segment. Anterolateral lobe of basal segment short and rounded (Fig. 5H). Distal segment of antennular peduncle with 1–4, mostly (93%) 1–3, spines (Fig. 5G). Basal lower endite of maxilla densely covered with long simple setae arranged in 12–16, (13–15 in 89% of the individuals), oblique parallel rows. Endite of maxilla 1.78–2.08, mostly (89%) 1.84–1.99, × as long as basal lower endite (Fig. 6G). Basal endite of first maxilliped failing or reaching to distal end of exopod (Fig. 6F). Distal one-third of terminal segment of third maxilliped bearing 11–35, frequently (85%) 16–28, mesial spines and one subdistal lateral spine near the base of larger terminal spine (Fig. 6H). Armature along flexor margin of dactylus of third and fourth pereiopod consisting of 7–11 (7–9 in 98% of the individuals) and 7–10 (7–9 in 98% of the individuals) spines (including terminal spine) respectively (Figs 6B, 6D). Merus of third and fourth pereiopod with 3–8 (4–6 in 83% of the individuals examined) and 2–6 (3–5 in 88% of the individuals) spines respectively (Figs 6A, 6C). Dactylus of fifth pereiopod with 26–47, most often (80%) 32–41, spines arranged in comb-like fashion on flexor margin (Fig. 6E). Endopod of first male pleopod expanded proximally and with a distal portion either elongated (ribbon shape) or more stout but always tapering. Endopod with 13–17 spines arranged on a slightly curved inner margin and 7–12 setae arranged on the outer margin (Fig. 6I). 96–195 eggs of 0.6–0.7 × 0.4 mm in size.
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